Saint Paul taught that “all things be done decently and in order.” (I Corinthians 14:40 OSB). Therefore, ushering in God’s house is an offering of time and talent- a ministry and a stewardship. Ushers carry out responsibilities during worship services to encourage proper order and etiquette, a prayerful experience for guests and our faithful stewards and ensuring safety. Ushers at Saint Nicholas wear a badge noting their role. They serve a vital role in making sure parishioners who arrive after the beginning of worship do not seat themselves during reverent times of the worship so as to ensure the sanctity and order of the worship services.
Ushers’ responsibilities during worship include:
Making our guests and parishioners feel welcomed (without disturbing the reverence of worship).
Coordinating the seating of guests and parishioners during reverent points of the worship service especially at the Sunday Divine Liturgy and other major holy days and during the processions of the Gospel during the (Small) Entrance and at the Great Entrance; during the recitation of the Confession of Faith (Creed), the proclamations of the Epistle, and of the Holy Gospel, during the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer and the distribution of the antidoron (blessed bread) at the service’s conclusion.
Preparing the church (nave and narthex) before and after the services.
Assisting at Holy Communion.
Collecting the offerings.
Maintaining prayerful order during the worship services.
Relocating the service table to the solea (center of nave) for the Memorial, Artoclasia (Bread Blessing) and any other special services.
Engaging with our guests/visitors & making them feel welcomed at the Fellowship Hour!
Opening the doors for end of Liturgy
Preparing for a Memorial Service
Guarding aisles at certain Liturgical moments
Helping during Communion
Interested in serving as an usher? Please contact our office at office@stnicholasnj.org or call 201 652 4774.
The St. Nicholas Usher Team