The mission of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church of Wyckoff, NJ is to bring together followers of Christ and aid them on their path to find God, grow their faith, and use that faith to make a difference in their communities. Come and join us in worship, ministry, and fellowship.
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The dikonia (ministry) of the parish includes:
Proclaiming and teaching the Gospel in accordance with the Orthodox faith.
Sanctifying the faithful through God’s grace in worship, the Divine Liturgy, and the other sacraments.
Enhancing our parishioners’ spiritual life.
Adding to the numbers of the faithful by receiving people into the Church through instruction, Baptism, and Chrismation.
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Our parish has established educational and philanthropic activities to foster the mission and aims of the parish and to edify its parishioners in the faith and ethos of the Church.
The ultimate goal of our Parish is to lead our members into the Kingdom of God.
See: Uniform Parish Regulations. Chapter 1, Article 15