The Parish Council is the group of 15 parishioners elected by the St. Nicholas church body to assist the priest in Christ's ministry to our people. Together with the priest, the Parish Council manages the administrative needs of the church and parish.
A Council member serves for 3 years. We are always in need of dedicated, Christ-centered Orthodox Christians, who seek to ensure that our parish fulfills its Christian objectives. The council meets regularly to manage these needs for our church.
Current Board Members:
Manny Toskos - President
Nick Pirsos - 1st Vice President
John Psomas - 2nd Vice President
John Tsadilas - Treasurer
George Bayiokos - Secretary
Mary Boulos Meyer
Diana Manoussakis
Ann Issackedes-Arluna
Charles Pflager
William Raczko
Anton Ayvas
Angelo Lefer
Dean Mellas
Paul Savidis
Jon Zymaris