Greek Orthodox Youth of America
GOYA is a nation wide organization serving young Orthodox Christians Grades 7-12 and Ages 12-18.
The goal of GOYA is to connect with Jesus Christ and each other through worship and community. GOYA is an amazing way to find another family of people who accept you for you. In addition to regular monthly meetings, St. Nicholas’ GOYA group participates in many fun and exciting events including:
Religious retreats
Sports teams and competitions
GOYA pageant
GOYA Olympics
Service projects
Cultural and talent events
Competitions - public speaking, history bowl, and more.
President: Vassilios Salvemini
Vice President: Darin Nonas
Directors for Diakonia: Lola Halkias & Niko Shizas
Stewardship Director: James Gougousis
Recording Secretary: Alex Christakos
Corresponding Secretary: Maria Papson
Media Liaisons: Kyra Nonas & Evie Romnios
Sports Liaison: Yianni Raftopoulos
MARIA GOUGOUSIS - mariagougousis@gmail.com, 917-848-1203
KALLIE MARTELLO - ckmartello@verizon.net
TIM SALVEMINI - Timothy.salvemini@gmail.com
AGAPI SCHMARGE - agapake@aol.com
DEMETRA PITTAS - demetra.pittas@gmail.com
Sights and Sounds 2025