Become a steward or maintain your stewardship at Saint Nicholas.
Welcome to St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
The 2024 Stewardship campaign is underway.
If you have not completed your 2024 stewardship pledge card please return it to the church office. Please consider the limitless generosity of our Lord as you make your 2023 pledge. Remember...God loves a cheerful giver! (St. Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians 9:7)
Please enjoy this video of our wonderful parishioners! What’s your most memorable experience of our parish?
Don’t forget to send in your stewardship cards!
Interested in learning more about our community? Explore our website and contact Father Bill Gikas at frbill@stnicholasnj.org!
When we make our annual financial pledge to Saint Nicholas, and when we offer our time and talents to the church, we do so as a grateful response for what God has given us through Christ:
“Let us commit ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.”
“Stewardship about ensuring that others can and will receive the gift of Christ this year and every year.”
Bill Raczko
“Stewardship allows us to become one with God. Our time, talents, and treasures are result of God’s blessings and worthy of giving back to him.”
Tom and Tina Castorina
“To me, stewardship means giving back to the Church and to Christ while caring for the needs of others.”
Georgia Lipane
“Stewardship is an investment in the Church that we pray will bring growth and blessings both to our families and the greater community.”
The Vittas Family
Learn more about Stewardship from the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.